Night Project_ Stage Four
I chose to take videos of the character I am following on a GoPro, as through this, I can record and document what the person is doing, rather than capturing moments of what is going on, aiming to completely convey what goes on when this character is skateboarding. Setting the GoPro up on the ground, giving a low vantage point, not shooting from an observer’s perspective. Instead, doing this from a low vantage point creates the effect that the viewer of this is not there, and seeing how the character moves from a new perspective that they are unable to recollect seeing like they would from a straight on vantage point.
I also chose to use the Go-Pro as I was able to attach this to the person and record these videos from their perspective, documenting what the character see’s when skateboarding. I wanted to do this as it gives an insight into how the character sees what he is doing, compared to what an observer would see. Forcing an intimate connection towards the character through showing his own perspective and presenting the clips as though through his own eyes, causing a deeper understanding of this character’s life whilst skateboarding.